Practice of the Month – Transitional 1 v 1

Practice for the 2020/21 season has begun and the 2 key factors I am looking to involve in every session are as follows

A variation of a 1v1 in every practice

A transition from Attack to Defence or vice versa

The following activity was run last week as part of our "Creative Play in and around the Penalty Box" theme which will be our focus until November.  It encourages creativity from players on the ball when faced with a defender.  The progressions see the defender closing down from different angles, to offer them another situation that they may face in the game.  The added ball brings in a transition, with both players being required to react as soon as the first ball is dead.

Set Up

Set up a 20 x 10 playing area.  Player #1 starts half way with the ball.  Player #2 starts on the end line facing them. An additional ball is placed to side of the playing area, about half way.

Player #1 passes to player #2.  As soon as the ball is passed, it becomes a 1v1 game of line ball.  Once a goal is scored/the ball goes out of play, players race to the 2nd ball where a new game immediately begins.  Switch roles after both balls are dead.

Progression 1

Player #1 starts to the side of the playing area to begin with.

Progression 2

Add goals and scoring zones.

Coaching Points

Observe the position of the defender, the available space and the goal

Attack the space with heavier touches if possible

Create space by drawing the defender in one direction (moves, dribbling, fakes, turns)


If a group of 3 is needed, have the third player join in on the 2nd ball against the initial attacker

Suggested Ages

